The Best Wedding Florists in Hunter Valley


Your wedding flowers set the tone for your big day, adding beauty, romance, and personality to every moment. Whether you're dreaming of soft, romantic blooms, lush and abundant arrangements, or something uniquely tailored to your style, these are the best florists we frequently work with at our wedding venue.


Sage Blossoming

Known for their bright, fun, and inviting floral designs, Sage Blossoming brings a burst of colour and joy to every wedding they touch. With a passion for creating stunning arrangements that reflect your unique style, their team expertly crafts florals that set the perfect tone for your special day. Whether you're after vibrant, bold blooms or soft, romantic tones, Sage Blossoming ensures every bouquet, centrepiece, and installation is designed to leave a lasting impression.


Jade Mcintosh Flowers

Bringing wedding visions to life with bespoke floral designs, Jade Mcintosh Flowers is known for their personalised approach to wedding floristry. From Newcastle to the Hunter Valley and beyond, their talented team specialises in creating breathtaking arrangements that perfectly reflect your style. Whether you’re dreaming of classic elegance, wild and whimsical blooms, or something entirely unique, Jade Mcintosh Flowers will work closely with you to ensure every detail is nothing short of perfection.

Photo by Calla Lily Collective.

Wow Flowers

From timeless elegance to wild romance, WOW Flowers create breathtaking floral arrangements that turn wedding dreams into reality. As part of the Worn Out Wares family, this boutique floral studio has been at the heart of Singleton for over 18 years, crafting stunning bouquets, lush installations, and bespoke floral designs tailored to each couple’s unique vision.

With a dedicated team and a hands-on approach to sourcing the freshest blooms, WOW Flowers ensures every petal is of the highest quality.

Photo by Wilde Photography.